Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gospel Meeting at Tagpait church of Christ - Aborlan, Palawan Philippines..!

Last October 14-16 2009 I was in Tagpait church of Christ for a gospel Meeting. Thanks for this congregation for inviting us along with our fellow gospel preachers here in the island of Palawan to be a part of this blessed opportunity. This Gospel meeting had been attended by our fellow gospel preachers and those invited guest on this village. Two souls was baptized into the one body of Christ as a result of this effort. Again, we rejoice to our Lord Jesus Christ to these new addition to His Blessed Kingdom...! In Christian love - Dario D. Belviz

The night of October 14th the gospel Meeting begun at Tagpait church of Christ. Everyone happy to sang the praises song to our Almighty in Heaven...!

The night of October 14, 2009 we all confined into small room. That night was very hard to everyone due to a very limited space..but, all are happy spending the night with fellow gospel preachers...!

Our photo while having a break fast..!

The Brethren while of singing ..Eph. 5:19

Our Photo infront of Tagpait church building....!

My Photo trying to walk slowly at the bamboo bridge...

A group of fellow gospel preachers....!

The brethren waiting for the time of Baptism...!

Two souls were baptized at the second day of our Gospel meeting at tagpait church of Christ. brother Reuben Tiburan administered this Baptism. He serve as a local gospel preacher for this congregation. Again, we rejoice to our Lord Jesus Christ to these new addition to His blessed Kingdom..To God be the Glory...!

The faces of fellow gospel preachers and brethren! our heart filled with Joy after to witnessed the baptism of two precious souls...!

This Photo was taken right after the Baptism...!

Preaching before the brethren at Tagpait church of Christ..I am very much thankful to the Lord for another opportunity He gave to us to preached His blessed words....!

I am on this photo! discussing about the "Analysis of Revelation 20: 1-8" I was focused on two Main Points: " Is the 1000 years Literal or Figurative?" and the "Missing Ingredients of Premillenialism (not found in Rev.20). Then I proceed to Analysis of Revelation 20 from Verses 1 to 8. We need to discussed this topic due to the misunderstanding of Revelation 20 by many of the religious group today, having believed on literal 1000 years, seven years tribulations, earthly kingdom of Christ, etc. all of these are misconception by those in the denominations...!

The brethren attentively listed while I am discussing the topic about the Analysis of Revelation 20: 1-8..!

Brother Jonathan Sapitula while on Preaching...!